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Education is key

We are a small NGO supporting educational initiatives to help overcome poverty.

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Building a future

Our vocational programme in Uganda gives young men and women the skills they need to earn a living.

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Good basic education

Our educational sponsorship programme pays the school fees of children from vulnerable families.

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Get involved

We support education

Glocal LifeLearn supports sustainable education initiatives to enable people whose existence is threatened by poverty to make a better life for themselves. Get involved!

Sponsor School Education

250 Euro per year is enough to give a child a good education.

Sponsor Vocational Training

170 Euro are enough to give a young adult the chance to complete a vocational training programme.]

Make a Donation

Support our projects through a donation. Every contribution helps!

Be part of a change

Education for a self-determined life

Glocal LifeLearn sees education as the most important factor in sustainable development. A good education allows individuals to make their own decisions in an increasingly complex world. It is the key that opens the door for integration and effective participation in social and professional life.

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Our Projects

We run three initiatives that aim to equip young people in Uganda with the necessary skills to live a self-determined life. All three initiatives are run by our partners in the Bukedea District in Eastern Uganda.

Educational sponsorship programme

Our Lifeline Uganda programme supports children from poor families by covering their school fees and…

Vocational training programme

Our Take Action sponsorship programme supports young Ugandans from poor backgrounds to do a vocational…

Training centre for nurses and midwives

Our LifeCare project is constructing a medical training center together with our partners. The centre…

We have a Goal

Our Story & Mission

Our StoryHow We Started

We founded Glocal LifeLearn in 2011 after two members saw a promising opportunity to support children from vulnerable families in Uganda to get a good education. This project is still ongoing and today supports over 60 students. In 2018 we began supporting a vocational training programme, and in 2019 we started to set up a medical training centre.

Glocal LifeLearnOur Mission

Supporting sustainable education initiatives to help people who are poor to make a better life for themselves .

Our Impact


Helping Years


Educational sponsorships


Vocational trainees


Training center built

Reusable sanitary pads

Giving Girls Confidence

Many girls miss school during their period, because sanitary products are not affordable and sanitary facilities are rare at schools. We support tailoring students in Uganda to make reusable sanitary pads and create awareness on how to use them.

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Our Members

We are a small, motivated group from different countries who want to make a difference. We have backgrounds in different fields, including politics, geography, economics, and peace and conflict studies. Working together for a good purpose gives us joy and strengthens our friendship.



We build the skill sets and self-confidence of vulnerable people through knowledge transfer and education.


We support local initiatives. We know our local partners personally and have a trusting and equal partnership with them.


Education takes time. We are committed to providing long-term support until things get better and the change can be sustained.

Cultural awareness

We build bridges between people of different cultures.


We make it easy for others to see what our projects are doing. We value openness, communication and accountability.

100% voluntarism

None of our members receives a salary. Over 95% of donations go directly to our projects.

Meet our partners


Thank you for your interest!

If you wish to follow our activities please subscribe to our bi-annual newsletter.


Reusable sanitary padsGiving Confidence

Many girls miss school during their period, because sanitary products are not affordable and sanitary facilities are rare at schools. We support tailoring students in Uganda to make reusable sanitary pads and create awareness on how to use them.

Play your part.Help the Many People in Need.

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